Diane's Spiritual Blog

A spiritual blog that covers a variety of spiritual topics. It is meant to enhance your spiritual awareness. It is meant to raise the consciousness level of the world. It is to help the world to understand that there is no one religion or belief that is the best way or the only way to get to heaven. There is more than one way to celebrate God and Life. When we as humanity understand that we are One; that we are all connected to a Higher Source then we can truly love everyone unconditionally.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Setting New Years Resolutions

As another New Year begins many of us set out to make our New Years resolutions. It is a known fact that many New Years resolutions never get past the first two or three months of the year before they are discarded. The resolutions have become too difficult, too uncomfortable, and too time consuming to continue. This year I propose that your New Years resolutions be goals of "Being" rather than goals of having. Instead of setting a goal to lose 30 pounds, set a goal to be healthier. This takes the pressure off of having to lose so much weight per week, giving up your favorite snack, or forcing yourself to exercise when you are not in the mood.

Start off with making a list of what healthy means to you. It could be such things as having more energy, feeling more peaceful, having a stronger immune system, or being stronger and more vibrant. Try to stay away from words or phrases such as being thinner, eating healthier, or exercising more. This only causes you to focus on what you do not want, what you cannot eat, or what you have to do. When you start out your New Years resolution thinking about all the unpleasant things you have to do your mind is already gearing up for failure. We, as human beings, are always striving for what brings us the most peace and joy.

Once you know what healthy means to you, start focusing your thoughts on those positive attributes. If you eat a cookie for a snack do not berate yourself. Instead tell yourself that healthy people eat cookies for snacks, and enjoying this one cookie will not cause you to be unhealthy. When eating lunch tell yourself "Today, I choose to eat one healthy food for lunch". Then eat a piece of fruit, salad or any other piece of food that is healthier than what you normally eat. It could be a skinless, broiled chicken sandwich instead of the usual fried chicken sandwich. Then tell yourself how healthy you are eating. Do not focus on anything you eat that you feel is not healthy. To "Be Healthy" you must think healthy.

Do not focus on what you should do or eat. Instead focus on "Being Healthy". Be healthy in day-to-day increments. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator even once a day is "Being" healthier. Take the elevator the rest of the time. Drink a glass of water in place of one soda today. That is "Being Healthier". Don't worry about the other sodas you drank. At the end of the day if you did at least one thing that was healthier remind yourself of it, and tell yourself you enjoy "Being" healthier. By focusing on "Being Healthier" you will naturally and automatically start doing what you need to do to "Be" your ideal of perfect health.

Remember to "Be" not "do".


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